
Changelog Widgets

The Changelog can be embedded as a widget on your website or application by copying and pasting the widget code to desired location.

  • Go to 'Changelog Posts' from the main top menu
  • Go to 'Widget' in the sub menu
  • Grab the widget code and paste it into your preferred page

Customize Changelog Widget

You can set default statuses for your Changelog articles to help keep track of progress.

  • Go to your dashboard
  • Click 'Changelog' from the main top menu
  • Go to 'Settings' in the sub menu

Customize the name and/or colors of the status labels.

Customize Changelog Statuses

You can customize the default statuses for your Changelog articles.

  • Go to your dashboard
  • Click 'Changelog' from the main top menu
  • Go to 'Settings' in the sub menu

Customize the name and/or colors of the status labels.

Changelog page widget code & popup widget code

How to setup Changelog page widget code & popup widget code?

Note: This video is only for reference purposes.

Create a changelog post

How to create changelog post?

Note: This video is only for reference purposes.